"Brighten any day with our Sunny Serenity Bouquet, featuring cheerful Sunflowers, elegant Snapdragons, and vibrant yellow Roses and Chrysanthemums. Accented by soft pink Alstroemeria, playful yellow Statice, and the charming Baby Doll blooms, this arrangement is beautifully complemented by the enchanting fragrance of Kamini and golden touches, creating a radiant celebration of color and joy."
Types of flowers
Sunflowers, Snapdragon, Carnation, Roses yellow, Chrysanthemum yellow, Alstromeria pink, Statice yellow, Baby doller, Kamini, Golden
Ideal for
Mother's Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries or any other occasions
No of stems
Occasional care
The flowers were so fresh & pretty. Quality was very good, and packed perfectly. Thanks for the best service :)
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