Our Designer's Bouquet is for someone who loves having flowers at home but is always running short of time and design ideas. This set is ready to go in a vase right after a trim This has flowers of different colors, fragrances and multiple blooming effects. Every Box is a SURPRISE.
Ideal for: Home owners with busy schedule
No. of Stems: 20-25 Stems (Flowers + Fillers)
Stem Size 13 inches
Note: Every stem is unique so sometimes colors vary or we'll need to use a substitution to give you the best floral arrangement!
Worst customer care… waste of money… will not buy again.
Flowerbox Bouquet
The quantity is flowers is getting reduced by the week. It was never the same earlier. Today what i have received is 7 roses, 3 carnations and 4 bunches of small chrysanthemums with some leaves. Sure you can provide better.
The quality of flowers are just amazing. I fell in love with flowers the moment I saw them.. you guys made my anniversary day more spl.. packaging was done perfectly .. thank you
Happy with the arrangement
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