"Brighten any occasion with our Colorful Celebration Bouquet! This vibrant arrangement features sweet purple Roses, elegant pink Oriental Lilies, and cheerful Snapdragons. Accented by sunny yellow Carnations and Gerberas, along with lovely Alstroemeria and Limonium, this bouquet is completed with the charming Baby Doll blooms and the enchanting fragrance of Kamini. A delightful celebration of color and joy!"
Types of flowers
Oriental Lily pink, Snapdragon pink, Carnation yellow, Gerbera yellow, Alstromeria pink, Limonium, Jamaica, Baby doller, Kamini
Ideal for
Mother's Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries or any other occasions
No of stems
Occasional care
Really nice collection of flowers for every occasion and reasonably priced.
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