Our enchanting bouquet featuring sweet Yellow Roses, soft Light Pink and White Carnations, delicate Calimero Pink, vibrant Alstromeria Pink, airy White Statice, cheerful Snapdragons, and fragrant Kamini flowers. This harmonious arrangement beautifully blends colors and textures, creating a delightful display perfect for any occasion. Celebrate love, friendship, or simply the joy of flowers with this stunning bouquet that captures elegance and warmth in every bloom!
Types of flowers
Roses yellow/sweet, Carnation light pink /White, Calimero pink, Alstromeria pink, Statice white, Snapdragon, Kamini
Ideal for
Mother's Day, Birthdays, Anniversaries or any other occasions
No of stems
Occasional care
Very happy with the quality of the flowers and the ontime delivery. Thank you.
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